Profile PictureSamantha Shieh

4 Week Landscape Ref Pack

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4 Week Landscape Ref Pack

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4 weeks worth of pre-curated landscape photos for you to study from!

Think of this as an event calendar for landscape studies! This collection of 28 landscape reference photos will help you get started on a regular photo study routine by eliminating the excuse of not knowing what to paint next.

I've assembled this ref pack to be a great intro to digital (or traditional) landscape studies with a variety of locations, lighting and compositions. They are numbered to help ease you into the process starting with the simplest and most straightforward images and working up to the more complex and interesting ones.

In this pack you'll get:

  • 28 high resolution references

  • daily calendar checklist (to keep track of progress)

  • intro video with narrated demo (12 mins)

  • examples of every study

Hopefully this inspires you to get painting and also to dig up your own collection of ref photos, put them together and get around to studying! If you do this workout, I'd love to see! Post them and tag me @klexos_art on instagram!


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Landscape reference photo set.

28 High Res Reference Photos
Daily Calendar Checklist
Intro Video with Narrated Demo
Example Studies
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